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Gideon Carlisle Reed
23. He/Him. Gay
He was once torn into pieces but is currently shining through the ashes.
General information
Born as the oldest of Reed among his two other siblings made him carries along most of the personality of INTJ-T. He has the sense of strong leadership even somehow could be clingy as well. His family is not so rich yet still having a wonderful life at the fullest. He stands for 176cm with the weight of 65kg. As the time passed by, his body built become even bulky after continuously going to the gym.
Personification | Detail |
Full Name | Gideon Carlisle Reed |
Nick Name | Gideon |
Place of Birth | Massachusetts, USA |
Date of Birth | 19th December 1997 |
Race | Pure Blood Wizard |
Sexuality | Gay |
Gender | Male |
Pronoun | He/Him |
Gideon Carlisle Reed
23. He/Him. Gay
He was once torn into pieces but is currently shining through the ashes.
Brief introduction
Gideon and Gabriella, his youngest sister, were the first to be here while Galadriel was still out there doing his thing. They got there around August 2020, but due to unfortunate event, only Gideon who was willing to continue the academic in Durmstrang.
Personification | Detail |
Acceptance Date | 2nd August 2020 |
Graduation Date | 20th June 2021 |
Identification Number | 20-77-784 |
Division | Sorcerer |
Magical Creatures | Diricrawl, Kneazle, Erumpent |
Last PLV | 32 |
Work History | Ironbelly's Leadroom, Dracheseith's VP 1, DSAC's member, Duel Club's Co-Leader 1, Locksmith's staff |
Gideon Carlisle Reed
23. He/Him. Gay
He was once torn into pieces but is currently shining through the ashes.
Achivements |
Weekly Rank MVP Week 1 August, 2020 |
Weekly Rank MVP Week 2 August, 2020 |
Weekly Rank MVP Week 3 August, 2020 |
Weekly Rank 5 Week 1 September, 2020 |
Weekly Rank MVP Week 2 October, 2020 |
Weekly Rank MVP Week 3 October, 2020 |
Weekly Rank MVP Week 4 October, 2020 |
Weekly Rank 3 Week 2 January, 2021 |
O.W.L 100 (O) August, 2020 |
O.W.L 90 (E) September, 2020 |
O.W.L 80 (E) October, 2020 |
O.W.L 90 (E) November, 2020 |
N.E.W.T 88 (E) January, 2021 |
Chaser 2 Dracheseith for August Match |
October 2020's Star of The Month (Evocation Class) |
Cherryfors October 2020 (Transfiguration Class) |
Gideon Carlisle Reed
23. He/Him. Gay
He was once torn into pieces but is currently shining through the ashes.
Hello, wonderful people. This is Allen, the one who's in charge to run this account in a daily life. Kindly read the things listed below before decided to shoot Gideon a follow!
This is only a fictional character. The original one, to be precise. I apologize if there's any similarity between the character since Gideon appears from my imagination.
Gideon's daily life doesn't have any correlation with the real artist used, WONHO. Wonho is an idol, but Gideon is a wizard.
Please do not plagiarize, respect me as the author.
Gideon can speak both English and Bahasa perfectly.
I do plot as well but mostly only talking to my friends and such.
May contain an adult content that not suitable for minors.
If you wish to talk to me even more, kindly hit me up by here. The not but not least, do have some fun with Gideon, dearest wizards and muggles!
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